The Derek - JIB & REV ONLY.
Operating Statements for Royalty, Overriding and Working Interest
Netout capabilities by Owner or Well
Accounts Receivable System
General Ledger System
Trial Balance Statements
Unit Transaction Listing of all debits and credits
Label Program for printing labels for Owners, Vendors and Wells
Quick Check program for writing a check on the fly
Export data files to Excel for creating your own spreadsheets
Year to Date General Ledger of every Debit and Credit processed for the year
Check Listing of all checks written for the month
Additional modules and programs are available.
The Derek - The Starter Package.
Contains everything The Derek - JIB & REV ONLY has plus...
Accounts Payable System
1099 Miscellaneous Information Report and 1099 Forms for Owners and Vendors
Additional modules and programs are available.
The Derek - The Starter PLUS Package
Contains everything The Derek has plus...
Financial Reporting
Company and Well P & L Statements
Balance Sheets for each Company
Additional modules and programs are available.
The Derek Select.
Contains everything The Derek Plus Financials has plus...
Store & Print Operating Statements
Bank Reconciliation System
Well Analysis
Payroll with W2's
Additional modules and programs are available.
ADD-ON Programs.
You can also purchase any ADD-ON programs at anytime. Some options are…
Reports to Excel Reporter
Division Orders
Store & Print Operating Statements
Owner Detail Statements
Well Development Reports
Networking Version of software
Additional Serial number